Blossoming Before Our Sight

SenKonscia - A Rose Blossom Gazebo
Blossoming Before Our Sight
by Michael Doyle

Keeping God's presence on our minds
Keeps His will from being left behind
We must ask God to tell us the final cost
It will help us from falling away lost

Knowing God answers our needs we do
This is His presence that we must keep in view
All of life becomes more peaceful in our worship
As we keep aware of this primary relationship

Becoming more rewarding and more real
We become aware of truth over how we feel
The Holy Spirit encourages belief in our walk
Putting aside our foolishness and mistaken talk

Living as saints becomes a matter of active choice
No longer honoring our past sin's lingering voice
There is no good in continuing sin's toleration
However much desire drives us in our depravations

We walk tall however we might falter in happenstance
We must keep God's presence in our circumstances
Keeping our joys and struggles in our personal relationship
While keeping in mind the truth of the Lord's kingship

It is more than just a matter of relying on sentiment
When we keep our relationship with God close and intimate
Like the jumbled puzzle pieces we examine where we've tossed
We keep in mind that life without God has its killing cost

We reap the outcomes of what we learn to carefully sow
It's not just an old time adage, as we come to know
When we live in God's love we begin to walk in the light
Bringing truth to darkness, blossoming before our sight

(c) August 19, 2023 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
Der LebensRaum 2020 -Kept In Sight

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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