Strength and Prosperity For Freedom

Walls of Freedom - Message of Love
Strength and Prosperity For Freedom
by Michael Doyle

There is a foundation that truly serves
To give the America this nation deserves
Though it doesn't have much complexity
Doing this will bring strength and prosperity

The road to freedom begins with cultured opportunity
It takes leadership to build this measured legacy
Our politics is our culture, just a bit further downstream
The toxicity of the Left lays waste to the American dream

We live in this nation with a set of unalienable rights
Illuminated as they are like points of bright starlight
It is the right first to life, then liberty, then happiness
That set the cornerstones to the path we must not miss

The sanctity of life must be the cornerstone of our law
Without this dignity, it is possible that America might fall
Roe v. Wade belongs on the ash heap of flawed history
For being unfounded on principle and bringing so much misery

The time is now to lean into and press for life's dignity
Cherishing God's gift while moving forward with security
To have our nation live under the protection of the rule of law
To fail to do this, otherwise, might just lead to our fall

Though our principles are national, the question of education
Must be handled on the state level and with great dedication
To provide the paths that lead to much input from the voices
Of what America's parents treasure and measured with choices

This is the path forward to ensure the greatest innovation
Sending the power back to the local level across our great nation
This can only lead back to the questions of the economy
Crime on the border, gas prices, and inflation bring acrimony

While in the recent past, we had done those things that flourish
A healthy economy by which the American people can nourish
Their dreams, hopes, and opportunities will begin to restore
The road onward to a better America and rising from the poor

Still, to secure our nation will require military readiness
Without a strong national defense, there can be on true happiness
This can only raise the specter of the withdrawal from Afghanistan
Bringing dishonor at the hands of Biden for every American

The state of American readiness is currently in the decline
While emphasis on Wokeness accompanies a budgetary flat line
Weakness arouses evil and peace can only come through strength
This is the bottom line that must be understood at length

Under Trump, Putin did not push any border-changing aggression
And American troops brought down ISIS in a steady impression
That peace could be brought to the Middle East through capability
As champions of freedom, America has proven we have this ability

(c) September 22, 2023 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
Pela's Land - Stop War - A Small Gathering In Opposition

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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