Witches Brew

Fantasy Faire - Mythspire Ridge - Into the Shallows
Witches Brew
by Michael Doyle

In the shroud of fog, we find the door
And knock on it, hoping yet to explore
Hidden secrets are lost behind smoky eyes
But it's the kind of secret that is hard to disguise

What sort of secrets would it be to refuse
The demands of the world and become a recluse
It's the sort of mind that comes openly to debate
Not in hostility but as a friend to man unable to hesitate

Instead, eager to share all that a mind has learned
Orthodoxy fights back as if its never been discerned
That different eyes see those different things
Needed to be experienced as each new day rings

The searching for answers should come through as light
Unafraid of the darkness while quietly shining bright
Gathering together to sharpen each other's minds
While bravely venturing forward, leaving ignorance behind

Greatness is humbled by greatness that is seen
As we encourage each other as the best among human beings
Though such courage comes with worried advice
An inquiring, earnest mind shared is worth any price

Lesser minds find it hard to understand
What it truly is to follow true leaders fit to command
And that in loving one another, we learn to forgive
And forge ahead into life yet to be fully lived

Sure so-called experts hang onto their providence
To securely hide their pretense against all evidence
Until reminded of their own past mistakes
That has brought others too many heartbreaks

Through strong advocation, the mystery is brought
To the inquiring minds and hearts that have truly sought
Only to bring about the best in the cause of the better good
Of those who fell on hard times by being misunderstood

Good does as it is that the good knows that it should
It's never the case or question of why or even would
But instead, chases after the essence of true humanity
Once it eludes the horrid outcomes of man's worst vanity

(c) October 27, 2023 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
Fantasy Faire - Mythspire Ridge - Veiled Mushroom

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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