The Singularity of the Immersive

The Brittle Epoch by Bryn Oh -An Artist's View of the Moon
The Singularity of the Immersive
by Michael Doyle

The virtual offers its trailing breadcrumbs
Pushing forward into spaces where the mind numbs
Through the effort of examining its potential
The path walked has become quite consequential

This platform of mixed media is greater than its sum
And uniquely qualified to beat its own kinetic drum
Somewhere between the simplicity of strict anonymity
There are shades of art provided in its complexity

The artist stands boldly in prints of black and white
While the music accents a vision of enhanced sights
She chooses the glimpses desired to be given a face
While never revealing a direct look to embrace

Intermixing stylistic work with those contemporary
Artists that share the same spaces as if extemporary
While actually being well-versed in her preparation
And artistically calculated in providing the formation

Of impressions provided in astute observation
That regards little as to acceptance or rejection
The artist gathers the data from views seen
That others love the work and respect a human being

Just exactly who it is that she is and will choose to be
This is true regardless of what is known of her identity
Behind the scenes that are those which are displayed
In the careful contrivances, she has skillfully portrayed

The fluidity of identity has become an artful construct
of the experimental nature of new reality that instructs
Us how to be accepting of acknowledged limitations
Where what might be known can only be known in experimentation

This is a new age of art and artistry that is relinquishing
The old-school edges that defined what was held interesting
As media and identity blurred into areas of the frontier
And the expectations of perceptions that no longer adhere

Instead, becoming new and fluid while evolving connections
With affection and conception to become acceptable exceptions
Drawing the viewers to experience the emotions that reveal
What exactly their own minds allow them to think and feel

Eyepaths naturally form and sweep across the composition
While focal points become useful in guided exposition
Of what an artist wishes to say without necessarily saying
High in the connections and contrasts that are displaying

What it is that an artist wishes to be appreciated and seen
Like the dignity of figures perceived by the astute and keen
Some figures are necessary in their important centrality
While others are nonessential and have a bit more neutrality

That which is pointed to will more naturally find the eye
Whether a shop's window or a bird flying across the sky
While that which provides contrasts to a perceived majority
Well become that which the viewer senses some affinity

These, in its simplest form of the artistic declarative,
Are the elements that come together to paint a narrative
The creative tension is played on with a sense of mystery
As it has always been along the paths of artistic mastery

Angles provide the needed process of triangulation
That tell the story by brush strokes of stimulation
There is a method to leading to what the eye must see
All of which is provided in its guided imagery

From eyes looking outward there is a connection
That holds your eyes as if by impactful direction
This then is the first method of bringing immersion
Making the viewer of art a witness in this conversion

The artist plays the audience by teasing their imagination
All in a process that become a consolidating illumination
Despite all the day-to-day things that can bring distraction
It is a fragile struggle to keep immersion's connection

It is all these teases that keep us wanting to explore
Somewhere in the half-life of opening and closing doors
The imprints of life each have their lasting traces
It is their immersive nature that tantalize the our spaces

Those that make us understand an artist's message displaying
That say the unsaid without so much as the mildest saying
And make lovers of art of all of us lost in our conversion
As we connect once again in a singularity of immersion

(c) October 28, 2023 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
The Singularity of Kumiko (Bryn Oh 2021) - Stairway of Continuity for Another Day
The images in this poem were photographed by me from the work done by the immersive artist, Bryn Oh. If you follow the photos to my Flickr account, you will see the locations these can be found within Second Life’s virtual platform.

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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