Something About Respect

Seoraksan - Auspicious Movement
Something About Respect
by Michael Doyle

It was a different life
A different scene
Life was tough
And the streets were mean

Life was about respect
Asking for the something better to be had
Was maybe a bit too much to expect
But the beauty seen could make him glad

The scene was a content night out
That led to the moment's heartbreak
Of a life lived in desperation and doubt
It was the drag of desire that brought mistakes

Playing life's games we didn't know
As we flirted in the back row of the picture show
Making love out of nothing at all
How did I know that you'd catch my fall?

Somewhere over life's proverbial rainbow
A bluebird sings melancholy from the shadows
This is the way that champions are made
By standing, not falling, and facing the world unafraid

(c) November 20, 2023 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
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About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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