These Are the Days of Us

Dedicated to my youngest daughter who I very dearly love and very nearly lost two years ago today…

Orange  -  A Child's Play
These Are the Days of Us
by Michael Doyle

These are the days of us
I learned this from a child
Who gave this wisdom because
This thought played and beguiled

As I tried to teach the ABCs
Like a theme that was a reprise
Of the things important to learn
Only to have my student more wisely discern

That of all the things to learn
There is one lesson that should burn
That's the meaning of real love
And how it fits like a fist in the glove

Of all things that are the most important
To those things that make dreams ascendant
That these are the days of us
And what we do with them matters because

Belief in God and in each other
Brings us to have faith and love for one another
It's in this faith that we might rise above
Putting aside hate, blame, and favor of love

(c) November 21, 2023 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
Neverland -Treehouse Fort - Contemplation of Childhood Ways

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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