The Naughty List

Steelwood Forest - Bethelham Manger
The Naughty List
by Michael Doyle

When the truth's told even in the best of times
A heart should beware of the easiest rhymes
Keeping an eye out for the details of the Devil
Is best because we know he's never on the level

There's a crass commercialism that makes a contest
Of who can out Christmas who and be the best
As if the modern age lost its way and isn't teasin'
In having completely forgotten the reason for the season

The Coca-Cola Santa isn't here for any such fights
But he is okay with turning on the bright lights
Everywhere parades and decorations are on display
It's just too bad that we haven't time enough to pray

With all the hustle and bustle here and there, about
There's no question that we have room enough to doubt
What it is that we need to save this from being tragic
Is to find the spark of a bit more Christmas magic

Today's Christmas is different than it never really was
And we have to be careful for no real reason, just because
The things that we wish for can come their own kind of true
It sometimes feels like a dark side point of view

It pays to be careful of playing up too much dazzle
To much gimmickry can become a frustrating frazzle
Though harks may yet herald and the angelic host sing
You can only be Christmas king in the joy that you bring

And if it is that you bring no real joy at all?
Maybe your kind of holiday already came in the Fall
The message here is to be careful of what you wish
Because you might fall onto the naughty list!

While holy God and repentant sinners may reconcile
The purpose of Christmas is more than just to smile
But to spend a little time in soulful reflection
It's the best way to make the true Christmas connection

(c) December 6, 2023 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
The Worlds of the Nutcracker - One Night In A Manger

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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