For the Win

Brody Castle Poetry Reading
For the Win
by Michael Doyle

Never give up
Never give in
When you fall down
Get up again

Run through the valleys
Keep your head low
Run through the alleys
You didn't even know

Dodge the punches
Whenever you can
This is the rumble
That makes you a man

Hold your head high
As you go into battle
Unafraid to die
Though you soul might get rattled
(For good reasons why)

Never let it keep you down
When you fall only to rise again
When you stumble in battle found
Fight twice as hard, and you may win

(c) January 3, 2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
Pine Valley Haunted Caverns - Knight's Vigilance

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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