Left Behind

My Eyes Adore You
Left Behind
by Michael Doyle

There is a coziness to all our lies
Whispers the darkness in this monster's eyes
There is peace in settling the score
Vengeance knows the warmth of its pour

Like a blended whiskey that burns down slow
So is our lack of wisdom with all that we know
The future comes from all the misguided past
There is no cure for desires Satan casts

Death presses its darkness, yet we persist
As consciousness clings, continuing to exist
There comes an awareness of all linear time
A subtle track of imagination that feels sublime

Those who kill seeking God's favor are doomed to Hell
While most of humanity suffers purgatory's bitter tale
Penitents pray to find their way to Heaven's door
But most find pain, sorrow, and very little more

For as long as humanity cannot escape for its sins
We will suffer and suffer again and horribly again
And if there was reincarnation, we would find no rest
As each time we lived, again we would fail our tests

Satan was an angel, second only to Jesus, in the beginning
In fighting for his pride, there would be no winning
Lucifer was cast down into the pit of his self-created Hell
A pit of brimstone and sulfur for all lost souls to dwell

We live with a hunger and anger to be equal to the living God
None of us stopping to sort out the stakes or the odds
Of us lesser beings bringing about goodness in our creation
When, yet, we know we lack in the requisite savor of imagination

We are lesser beings, filled with selfishness, and are perverse
Yet, we dare to dream of creating our own sense of universe
Despite all our fumbles and pain that we accidentally cause
We abandon God's will and design by our own set of laws

It's in these moments that we build our spheres of alienation
Loneliness owns us in our self-impositions of isolation
Such is the frailty of the human souls and our minds
That the worst of the best of us is what is left behind

It's the curse of our fractional lineage that we come to know
And it holds us back refusing to allow us to improve and grow
As the spiritual synapses of our hearts, souls, and minds
Leave the best of the worst of us for our descendants to find

(c) February 22,2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved
Harriet Tubman Hero

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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