The Magnificence of Significance

The Magnificence of Significance 
by Michael Doyle

From the beginning, we have the vision
We might lack in our precision
But we know what we're going for
Faith is the kindness that opens the closed door

In all the paths we are shown
We look back at how we've grown
To see all that has been done
In the name of the Father, the Spirit, and the Son

Even in the circumstances of poverty
When we stretch, we find generosity
We feed by faith and in rapid succession
The baton forward is given in succession

All of this is done following Christ in service
To live out intentionally our God-given purposes
In God, all these things are created
Before all, His supremacy has never deviated

It's through His blood shed on the cross
We found our victory through His temporary loss
After three days, Christ quietly arose
To find His people waiting that He had chose

From Gnosticism to destructive post-modernism
People have suffered from temptation and pessimism
Just as the Serpent in Eden held out his temptation
But it has not and will stop Christ's given redemption

Billy Graham taught the Christian path with purity
Yet still, some slipped away from godly authority
Still, if we have the eyes to see and ears to hear
We will stay in our faith and keep Jesus near

The more that we know Christ, we choose to keep Him first
As the earthly revealer of the Father for our thirst
Teaching us the character of God's heavenly face
And help us to know God's ways and truest embrace

Segments of time are traced and become interwoven
Into all the details shared and urgently spoken
Christ was born, making Palestine the center of the universe
There is no mistake or accident in Biblical verse

Steadfast, we are delivered by God into life's seasons
The architect of Heaven provides humanity's reasons
That are revealed in wonder to the amazement of us all
All we need to do is read the Bible, study, and recall

Jesus hold the world in His loving hands and sustains
Us all, keeping poised as if in sweet refrain
Loving us and protecting us in hour times of need
It is under His yoke of faith that we are found

In following Christ's admonitions and good direction
We find ourselves in community without correction
In this position, our steps follow His leadership
Through all joy and affliction, we live our worship

(c) May 6, 2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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