The Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela

The Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela
by Michael Doyle

People tend to adopt the way of others
They suit their own cultures to another's
And as people seek commonality with each other
They also signify differences with one another

In Ethiopia's highlands, we find many depictions
Of a black Jesus and other figures in duplication
As gods of all sorts are kept in the relationship
That brings comfort to those seeking worship

Black Jesus and black saints are not that different
Then how we make Jesus European and yet hold Him reverent
These images were first made in about 600 AD
200 years after the Ethiopians developed their own imagery

There in the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela's volcanic rock
Is the uniqueness and connections that bring us to talk
UNESCO tries to identify and protect parts of the human story
Whatever its impact on those things to do with God's glory

Around the world, iconic stories are shared to be told
Many of these dating from whispers lost to the days of old
The churches of Lalibela are amazingly found
So that their roofs break no higher than the ground

40 million Ethiopians adhere t- a sense of orthodox
Doctrines that keep the trinity within a three lock box
St Mary of Zion is said to hold the arc of the covenant
And these churches stand as faith and provide testament

Gazing on the pillars of the churches is said to embrace
Our Lord and Savior, as if looking into His sacred face
These craved rocks arise in their amazing complexity
And speak to the human heart of reality and diversity

The Aksumites left their steles of memory honoring the dead
Memories of kings carved in stone to represent these things
That came before the rise of the dominance of Christianity
All of this part of Ethiopia's remembered dignity

The Ezana Stone tells the story of this vast conversion
That came early and with enthusiastic optimism
While the Nine Saints came to stand with their own dignity
As they traveled to spread the doctrines of Christianity

The churches of Lalibela are the things of semi-myth
As they stood separately, built as if monoliths
Traces of heavenly angels are found in the excavations
In the embellished stories given as explanation

These monumental churches are made both in their simplicity
But also the very substance that breathes of complexity
Angels are said to have helped in their building
Exposing the intimacy of the crosses of holy revealing

The wonder and sacredness of God's good mystery
Is held up for examination in Ethiopia's history
While nearby, the Leakeys found Lucy's bones
That have not yet managed to remove God from His throne

(c) May 16, 2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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