On Bended Knee

On Bended Knee
by Michael Doyle

On bended knee,
I see the memory
Of the day and the cost
I watched you let it be
Giving it your dignity
It's hard to add the cost

Making it worse
Is I know that bullet was mine
It had my name
Bleeding across the verse
It's hard to speak and define
Why I still wear the blame

They say we fight and die
For the glorious good of nation
We give our lives for our friends
Politicians seldom know why
But only death ends the obligation
Of living and dying for friends

Taken for granted is that we live
All the moments of American liberty
All for which we protect and defend
Mistakes made, we hope to forgive
As long as we've lived our integrity
We've chosen our moments to expend

This is our breath to expend
In the ways that we gladly choose
All the blood, toil, and treasure
What this matters really depends
But we would never be those to refuse
And so we live and die by this measure

On bended knee,
I pray and live the memory
Of these days and the cost
You paid full price for me
And I cry a bit indignantly
Knowing your death has been the cost

(c) May 22, 2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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