What Our God Does

What Our God Does
by Michael Doyle

Looking at what God has done
We become baptized in the Son
The details have some meaning
In burying the wrong of our being

Stepping into being taken into a new life
We take on the peace by putting away strife
Searching for meaning in the Word of The Book
We find in Acts how to walk our new look

The early church faced down a few odds
It was a bumpy path in following God
Saul became Paul to lead from being an enemy
Showing how a soul turns into a hero to the contrary

Despite Paul's wrong reasons, God gets it right
Turning Saul to His purposes with a blinding light
Ananias healed Paul into God's chosen instrument
Rendering deadly intentions to the love of God's intent

It was, as it often is, a radical expression of grace
As Paul rose to the occasion and took his rightful place
Acting with audacious purpose, Paul made his life real
As the bearer of the Good News gifted with Christian zeal

Faith is demanded of all of us to our very last breath
This is how the victory of Christ defies the finality of death
This is the ministry that provides the path to set us free
As we face the contest and accept the righteousness of ministry

Though the Earth's foundation might tremble and shake
It's important not to be taken as we might be mistaken
In my spirit, it is well to put on the ways of glory
That are often shown in illustrating God's holy story

Every life is filled with challenges and takes its hits
But as we are redeemed, we are given the Holy Spirit
And as we take the spirit on, we take on a victor's mentality
Until it shines our purposes as part of God's instrumentality

Worship reminds us of the relationship of God's divinity
As we are trained toward letting love and trust be our theology
Through our praise and prayers, we faithfully possess the keys
As we put on Godly ways shared to share and to live to please

Putting off the shackles of our dirty little sins
We are shaken to and shaped into goodness once again
Let's remember not to lose ourselves to darkness and fear
And be reminded always, that where we are God is also here

(c) June 3, 2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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