Red Light Kissing

Red Light Kissing
by Michael Doyle

Sometimes valid issues are had
Even true hearts can be sad
But the kiss of love is understanding
And be giving, not overly demanding

Each couple must without hesitation
Learn to appreciate the value of questions
There are many things of major concern
But life is too serious to fall into heartburn

Whatever the good or bad of reluctance
Every hazardous dilemma comes down to acceptance
We need the ability to get beyond the surface
It's the hearts of the matters that must embrace

It seems the true essence of being "good"
Is to feel in the soul that one is understood
Actions aligning with words measures integrity
Everyone knows integrity is an absolute for intimacy

It all comes down to the state of red light kissing
When each soul knows what it means to be missing
Each is staking their claims as best that they can
To prove the love within every woman and the best of man

Wrong words and actions can build walls of stone
Frozen out, left in doubt, and feeling completely alone
We somehow remain grateful for the truth of sunlight
It reveals everything that is hidden in our nights

Love brings an easiness into our moments of living
Two hearts are joined together to be loving and forgiving
In every experience that we care to live and to know
We find the intentions to learn and from this grow

In the state of living out God's most creative art
We find that we each hold the key to one another's hearts
We can lock it up and hide it away; or we can set it free
I'm okay either way, knowing that you are the one for me

(c) June 10, 2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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