The Power In No

The Power In No
by Michael Doyle

In my life, I've been a son
Held by a mother as second to none
To my sister, I have been a brother
Loved by her like no other
I've been a doting sort of father
Of my two beautiful, loving daughters

And as these things I've observed
Women getting less than they deserved
Many inconvenient truths stood in the way
Of their happiness on too many days
Seeking empowerment and self-respect
And instead receiving abject neglect

Too many times, they're made to wait
On things that have come never or too late
Like medical care that was actually healing
Or the sort of love given with feelings
I've watched diligently and observed
Women I've loved getting less than deserved

Unanswered letters hold a proper weight
Dreams and hopes consigned to bitter fate
Told to find themselves, they've been alone
They gave themselves until no one was at home
Waiting for calls that never came on the phone
Looking into mirrors and feeling alone

The world has lent out just a little more rope
To dash dreams on the rocks of abandoned hope
The word "No" is without any shade of pretense
The greatest power available in a single sentence
Women need to believe in their full capacity
And in so doing, live up to their capability

(c) June 20, 2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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