Dig Our Way Out

Dig Our Way Out
by Michael Doyle

There is no treaty we can sign
That can reach for and define
The reasons why I made a ghost of you
There is no explanation for what I do

I hide my shame deep in the shadows
Keeping to the places memories won't go
There is no honor in locking you away
The price is one that I pay every day

I feel like raging against the dying light
Throwing verbal punches without a right
It sometimes feels like a snake shedding skin
Trying to itch my way to my original sin

There's a still voice inside that says it's my friend
But all it wants to talk about is the final end
Whispering it doesn't matter how we got this far
The only difference is -- here we truly are

The truth laid down on the void of once-blank pages
Is what puts each of us in our own special cages
The further and deeper we shake and thrash about
The harder it is to ever dig our way out

(c) June 20, 2024 Michael Doyle
All Rights Reserved

About alohapromisesforever

Writer, poet, musician, surfer, father of two princesses.
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