Tag Archives: Putin

Modern Russian Violence

Modern Russian Violenceby Michael DoyleAs time moves forward, leaving the 19th century behindOne still needs to understand a measure of the Russian mindThe war crimes in Ukraine will never be the finest hourThe Russian people have experienced as Putin growls … Continue reading

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Strength and Prosperity For Freedom

Strength and Prosperity For Freedomby Michael DoyleThere is a foundation that truly servesTo give the America this nation deservesThough it doesn’t have much complexityDoing this will bring strength and prosperityThe road to freedom begins with cultured opportunityIt takes leadership to … Continue reading

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With An Inept Jab

With An Inept Jabby Michael DoyleWith an inept Parkinson jabPutin attempts to plantThe false flag of a bioweapons labAs part of his hateful rantClaiming Ukraine as part of his empireBasing this as birthright of the RusBut such a claim has … Continue reading

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Darkness Shapes the Hearts

Darkness Shapes the Heartsby Michael DoylePutin sits as another dictator in a lineCertain his autocratic rule is blessed as divineThis has been the slavery of Russia’s serfdomWith brutality reigning supreme in this kingdomFor five thousand years, we’ve known epilepsy As … Continue reading

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