Tag Archives: Foster

Too Jung For the Good Life

Too Jung For the Good Lifeby Michael DoyleThe verbal coinage of modern-age complexityLays predominately bound to Jung’s dexterityIt’s something that happens in synchronicityOf the universe beaming out the need to be happyBut the journey of happiness, despite its fascinationCannot be … Continue reading

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Thought For the Day: Science Never Selects A Single Narrative…We Foster Debate. And We’re Confident That With Debate, Science Will Eventually Get To the Truth

“Science never selects a single narrative. … We foster debate. And we’re confident that with debate, science will eventually get to the truth.” – Robert Redfield, M.D., former head of the CDC How many times have I said this and … Continue reading

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On Understanding Children’s Literature

A wisely crafted tale invites its reader or listener, young and old, to inquire what good might be learned from the tale. On Understanding Children’s Literature by Michael Doyle The stories we have heard from childhood Are the classics of … Continue reading

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What Color Is A Soul?

We’re half way through NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo 2020 and it’s April 15th.   The stated optional objective is to write a poem reflective of the color of any particular brand of our choosing.  This brought to mind an argument brewing since the … Continue reading

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Thought For the Day: Government Can and Must Provide Opportunity, Not Smother It

“It is not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work — work with us, not over us; stand by our side, not ride on our back. Government can and must provide opportunity, not … Continue reading

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Thought For the Day: Leadership Is Taking Care of Those In Your Charge

“Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.“ –  Simon Sinek      

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