Tag Archives: Wild

Puer Aeternus

Puer Aeternusby Michael DoyleIt seems that from out of nowhere subtleThere’s an argument that has no rebuttalThat all of my desire for the highest riskHas passed my logic by walking tall and briskMy life had always been fairly straight and … Continue reading

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Thought For the Day: Courage Without Conscience Is A Wild Beast

“Courage without conscience is a wild beast.” -Robert Green Ingersoll, lawyer and orator (11 Aug 1833-1899)

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Big Sur

Big Surby Michael DoyleThinking back under Indiana’s rainMemories of a life spent in refrainWhere too much was never quite enoughAnd jokers begged a thief to call his bluffI remember back to when weeks were doneWe’d pack the car to drive … Continue reading

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Born In the Rockies (Part I)

Born In the Rockies (Part I)by Michael DoyleSpring has come with this mornAs another young life is bornEach step in the Rockies must be solvedAt every turn, there are tests to be resolvedEvery opportunity is used to hone skillsIn Mother … Continue reading

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Currents of the Riptide

Currents of the Riptideby Michael DoyleOn the tip of the continent’s ledgeI stand and touch the water’s edgeIn the memory of those who came beforeAnd will never surf any moreThe rides that they once soughtAll of the battles that they … Continue reading

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Waters Felt As Wild

Waters Felt As Wildby Michael DoyleLooking to the commons differentlyWe sip at the waters reverentlyWith willows and elms along the banksAs a praying man, I stop to give thanksNo matter how much we pollute the watersTheir resilience slips back dreamilyAs … Continue reading

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Na/GloPoWriMo #5: Pennsylvania In Transformation

Na/GloPoWriMo #5: Pennsylvania In Transformationby Michael DoyleBased on the prompt and Pennsylvania – Poetry Daily (poems.com)Other children, live freely and wildAs though energized to win the fight -Standing as I stood.Said in brave silenceWith me, as though violencesaid in shout. … Continue reading

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A Mustang’s Spirit

A Mustang’s Spiritby Michael DoyleA mustang’s spirit can never be brokenThe wild wind said in words unspokenInto the sky, the story of wild turned to loveBorn in a meadow with only the stars aboveSkies as endless as these were beautifulShy … Continue reading

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Wild Romania

It’s the second day of NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo 2020!   The prompt today is: “to write a poem about a specific place —  a particular house or store or school or office. Try to incorporate concrete details, like street names, distances (“three … Continue reading

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Memories In An Elephant’s Trunk

A poem of gratitude #11: Memories In An Elephant’s Trunk by Michael Romani With gratitude I share my words While overhead there are flying birds Puzzling along these thoughts contemporary Wondering how much is too temporary Unlike elephants who read … Continue reading

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