Tag Archives: Grasp

Step Inside A Haunted Mansion

Step Inside A Haunted Mansionby Michael DoyleWhat if death was not the endingBut instead, just a new beginning?What if the paranormal was realAnd not just something that we feel?Skepticism has its own kind of turningIn all walks of life, we … Continue reading

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What Used To Be

What Used To Beby Michael DoyleI remember when I showed my daughterWhat it was that used to once beShared like a loving fatherIn the twenty-second centuryWe dominated with technologyForgetting the natural carrying capacityAnd reframed the world in uglinessTo which her … Continue reading

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The Fight For Nobility

The Fight For Nobilityby Michael DoyleTo fight for nobilityOften causes many to loseIn life’s lack of sensibilityWhich comes though we refuseThe Spanish InquisitionHad its inglorious powerThat it used without hesitationTo rule any given hourMadmen and poetsHave much in commonEven when … Continue reading

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First Principles: Beware Lest You Lose the Substance By Grasping At the Shadow

“Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.” -Aesop (c. 620–564 BC)

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Thought For the Day: We Have Grasped the Mystery of the Atom and Rejected the Sermon On the Mount…The World Has Achieved Brilliance Without Conscience.

“We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount…The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.” – Five-Star General Omar Bradley (d. April, 8, 1981)

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First Kiss

First Kissby Michael DoyleRemembering back on the magicFound waiting for the first kissThat led to heartbreak, something tragicBut that moment felt like blissThat moment, for the moment, felt like blissThing back on the magicFound in waiting for the first touchThat … Continue reading

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Into Something More

Into Something Moreby Michael DoyleStrive and fight for a better lifeFinding believed in utopia was naughtBut disappointment with hints of strifeIdeals purchased with bloodied tears soughtOnly to find these too lacking in the endAnd while life goes on, we cannot … Continue reading

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Making Moments Memories

Making Moments Memoriesby Michael DoyleIt’s the momentsNot selfies that we needIn these times that aren’t contentBut from these, we can be freedLike mental orgasmsCrept up on with enthusiasmNot the dull day of egoThat add up to practically zeroOne photo after … Continue reading

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New Beginning Off Of An Old Ending

There is a tradition at the Short Form Poetry Workshop to work a couple of new poems from the end of famous older poems. This is one of the two written last night: New Beginning Off of An Old Endingby … Continue reading

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Thought For the Day: Beware Lest You Lose the Substance By Grasping At the Shadow

“Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.” – Aesop (c. 550 B.C.)

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